Friday, December 19, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008
The BIG Ultrasound!
After we had the ultrasound we went to Costco and all Jordan could say (with a big grin of course) was how excited he was to have two little hunters! It will be nice to have two boys together because they will be so close in age. I just can't help but wonder if there is a little girl up there for me. All the same we are really excited!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008
New Favorite Thing
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Jack's 1st Birthday

Monday, September 29, 2008
Where Have We Really Been?
So our family life hasn't consisted of anything too exciting lately because I really just try to find the energy to get off the couch. But I have been meaning to post some pictures of Jack

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Where have we been?
We came home from Arizona and made the switch from the Smith house to the Ohlson house where Jack enjoyed some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa Ohlson, Uncle Nick, and Uncle Ryan. We left midway through the week and went down to Vista, California to visit Jordan's Grandma. Then we spent a few more days in Vegas before we headed back home to lovely Provo. Where I have been ever since.
I still have boxes to unpack and a lot of organizing to do, but things are coming along nicely. Today is the first day of our new Internet service so I figured I would celebrate and do a post. I needed to document how crazy the last month was to remind myself never to do it again!! All in all we had a wonderful time with family, I could have skipped the crazy move, but we love our new place!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Family Reunion
The Wright boys get to play the Wii every night for an hour before bed and so Carl B and I went head-to-head in an intense challenge of Dance Dance Revolution- which we both failed miserably.
Jordy and Ivy were reunited this past week! Jordan was so excited to see Heidi and her kids. He and Ivy are special little buddies. They will call each other every so often and talk for at least 10 minutes about who knows what. Ivy usually inquires after Baby Jack and then Jordan will ask about swim lessons and then Ivy will ask about Jordan's job and they go on and on forever. It is really actually cute, and you would never guess that there was an age gap of 19 years.
Jack Jordan really thought the farm was fun too. Although his favorite part was crawling around in the grass. He did go on a pony ride but I think he still preferred the freedom of crawling to even that.
Courtney and Spencer were locked up in the farm county jail for misbehavior on several counts.
Jack and his cousin Jake at the Poulton family Reunion. We went to my Dad's family reunion up in Vivien Park on Saturday. It was fun to see all of our extended family and it didn't seem like we had enough time to visit with everyone. Jordan did enter the golf tournament this year with my Dad and they took third place! Yaa hoo for Jordy! (It was a scramble and they always took the best ball--- so they used Jordy's a few times)
Jordan brought his fishing gear to Vivien so that the little kids could fish and Spencer caught a fish! It was the only catch of the day, but the kids seemed to enjoy fishing despite the lack of bites.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I love this Kid

I am obsessed with this little boy!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008
It Begins
Monday, June 30, 2008
My Cool Job

In case the picture didn't make things clear, I will list what you should have taken from it.
1. I get to wear a cowboy hat! I've always wanted a good excuse to wear one and someone at work said I look like Kevin Bacon from the movie Tremors. I'm pretty sure he is a good looking guy. What do you think?
2. I can catch lizards on my lunch break whenever I want. The lizard in the picture is a long-nosed leopard lizard. He caught me at the same time I caught him.
3. No one cares how you dress at work. Check out my shirt. Lindsey thinks it's hideous but it really doesn't matter because when you are in the middle of no where looks don't matter.
There are really a million reasons why my job is cool and these are just a few of the highlights.
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Financial Fascist

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day Carl B and Earl the Pearl!
Why we love Carl Bert:
1. With a middle name like Bert, what isn't there to love.
2. He is always easy to talk in to a Luv-its Custard run.
3. He has dancing skills like no one has seen and Dance off parties wouldn't be the same without his Cabbage Patch.
4. I have never heard him raise his voice in anger once... and I know that I probably deserved worse many times.
5. Carl B has passed on to me his love for shopping and he frequently coordinates Marilyn's latest looks.
6. I have never met anyone who makes silence as comfortable as him... and I should know after 3+ years of riding to work with him everyday.
7. I never feel guilty taking naps around my Dad because he usually is right there beside me.
8. He makes a mean pie and delicious cinnamon rolls (which he made for my birthday every year that I was home).
9. Carl B is funny and quirky!
10. I have never seen my Dad pass a bum on the street and not roll down the window and give him a buck or two.
We love Carl B and can't think of a better Dad and Father-in-Law!

Why we love Earl:
1. He knows how to make people feel comfortable and is great company.
2. My friends love him for his shark attack shirt that he always wears to the lake with the ripped-open sides for extra affect.
3. He is the most patient person I know.
4. He knows how to show people a good time. A lot of people that wouldn't have had the opportunity otherwise, learned how to ski behind his boat or snowboard while staying the night at his condo.
5. He was always quick to forgive and forget the stupid things I did growing up.
6. I love my dad because he takes advantage of every fun opportunity. Only he would enter a sail boat competition while on a cruise and actually win it!
7. He shows excitement in the things I'm interested in and its because of his taking an interest in me that I've been able to do great things. Most of my favorite hobbies that I participate in I've excelled at because my dad has been there encouraging me to take part in them and enjoy life.
8. My dad is even nice to people that solicit things over the phone.
9. I think my dad is the last living person to still ride a disk at the lake. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a round piece of wood that allows you to spin on the water--he is a master diskman.
10. I love my dad because he drinks his milk with ice and without fail always follows it with Oreo cookies.
Monday, June 9, 2008
When Living in Pairs gets tricky
Thursday, June 5, 2008
One of those "I never will do this" moments

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Jordy!

I love Jordan for his high-top converse shoes with shorts days, for his camo hat, for his shaking laugh, for his Financial Fascist ways, for his massive smile, for his sense of humor, for his determination and ambition, for his spontaneous fishing outings, for his jerky pistol, and for his testimony!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Jack Testing the Waters

Monday, May 5, 2008
"Soccer boy, (she used his name but I can't remember it) I know who you have a crush on", Trouble teases.
Soccer boy looks up startled, "Whaaat? No you don't!"
Trouble continues, "Yes I do."
"No you don't!" Soccer Boy is now getting a little uncomfortable at this point.
And then Trouble slams him with it, "Yes I do! You have a crush on ME."
That is gumption if I have ever seen it.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Graduation, Teeth, and Dinosaurs
If you didn't want to read the large synopsis... here is the picture version!

The Real Girls Retreat