Monday, May 5, 2008


A few days ago, I was walking out to my car on my way to work and I overheard this conversation between two of the neighbor kids. A little girl that is 7 years old and Jordan calls her Trouble, and then another 7 year old boy who I am afraid I don't know his name, so for the story's purpose we will call him Soccer Boy, were outside playing together. And I happened upon this conversation:

"Soccer boy, (she used his name but I can't remember it) I know who you have a crush on", Trouble teases.

Soccer boy looks up startled, "Whaaat? No you don't!"

Trouble continues, "Yes I do."

"No you don't!" Soccer Boy is now getting a little uncomfortable at this point.

And then Trouble slams him with it, "Yes I do! You have a crush on ME."

That is gumption if I have ever seen it.


Jenna said...

Gotta love little kids and their bluntness!! Cute story!!

Heidi said...

At least they won't have to tell people that they met through a NCMO. Their story will be SOOO cute twenty years from now. Not like some peoples . . .

Brittany H. said...

I see play writing in your future! haha We could all contribute crazy Wymount stories and make a movie, but I wonder if it would be a comedy or a horror film...

Amanda Nemelka said...

That's hilarious. I wish I had been that type of kid. I was way too shy.

SP said...

OK, is "Trouble" Martina or her sister??

terynmendenhall said...

I like Trouble, see sounds Great!!!