The problem with not blogging frequently is that I fall behind and then I feel like I have so much to catch up on. Last weekend we had Courtney and John's graduation. Unfortunately, we arrived too late to see her walk but we heard L. Tom Perry say a few words. It really turned into a fun weekend spent with family. My sister Ginnie flew in from Sacramento with her daughter
Ciera and baby Parker for the weekend. My parents were up here as well so that meant that the grand kids were spoiled rotten. After the graduation, everyone played a round of bowling, followed up by lunch and ice cream. Then we proceeded to play a fast paced round of miniature golf and ended the day off with a party of cake and ice cream celebrating the graduates. If that wasn't enough the next day my parents treated all of the grand kids to a day at the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving point. We had planned on going to the Tulip Festival and the Barnyard Animals Celebration, but the weather was too cold to be outside so we enjoyed
dinos instead. We had Sunday dinner up at Heather's and stopped by to visit Leah and Eryn in
Farmington for a bit on Monday morning. And through it all Jack did amazingly well! The mind reels with how exciting the weekend was, but to top it off Jack has teeth. Not just a tooth but teeth. I had previously posted that he was teething, but when I took him to the Pediatrician a week later and mentioned that I thought he was teething, she looked in his mouth and said that she couldn't see any signs of teething so I just stopped paying attention. In the middle of all of our travels too and fro... somehow he had managed to get my finger into his mouth as a toy and started chewing down on it. I thought he had something in his mouth because it felt a little hard and to my surprise he had two teeth that had broken the surface. I don't know how long they had been there--maybe that is one of the blessings of not breastfeeding. Needless to say he is happily working on a third!
If you didn't want to read the large synopsis... here is the picture version!

Courtney and John

Parker and Jack with their cousin Ben. Ben is the sweetest little cousin. Often times when we are visiting Heather and Trent I will find Ben playing with Jack, giving him new toys, baby talking with him, and being so soft! It is the cutest thing.

Jack dipped his toes into the water sandbox

Just a picture for fun!

One of Jordan and Jack's favorite activities is window watching. I often will come home and find Jack starring at me from the window because he and Jordan are window watching!
Sounds like a really fun weekend. I can't believe how big Jack is getting. Last night I was doing some Spring cleaning and I found letters Michael wrote me on his mission. In one of the letters was a picture of him and Jordan and Jordan was holding a baby. Weird to think now Jordan has his own little boy and Michael has a baby on the way. It seems like you guys are doing well. When are you guys coming home again? We will be here for a while and don't plan on going out of town!! We would love to see you guys next time!!
I like that Jordan wears a floral crown around the house, especially when looking out the window.
He's so secure.
umm do you realize your 7 month old looks as old (and as big) as your husband? just wondering. love you guys!
I love Jack's facial expressions! They are too funny!! Hey, I tagged you on a wedding memories tag, so try it out if you find the time.
What a great weekend! I have to laugh about the doctor saying Jack wasn't teething. When Kallie was little, I was SURE she was teething--but the Dr. said her gums looked like there wouldn't be any teeth for a while. She cut the two bottom teeth THREE DAYS later. Yep--chalk one up to mother's intuition! :)
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