Thursday, December 4, 2008

The BIG Ultrasound!

Last week before we headed down to Vegas for Thanksgiving, we went to our doctor's and had the ultrasound. For the last month or so we have been calling this baby a little girl, partly because I would love a little girl, but the ultrasound proved different! Yep- we are having another little BOY! I must admit that at first I thought it was a girl because the tech had a great shot right between the legs and you couldn't see anything, but then she kept moving the head around and sure enough his manhood popped onto the screen.

After we had the ultrasound we went to Costco and all Jordan could say (with a big grin of course) was how excited he was to have two little hunters! It will be nice to have two boys together because they will be so close in age. I just can't help but wonder if there is a little girl up there for me. All the same we are really excited!


Jenny said...

Congrats on another little boy. I know the feeling of hoping for a boy. Maybe next time for both of us!

Brittany H. said...

Congratulations! Jack is such a cutie that another will be great!

Amanda said...

You know, I've had the same thought--only I'm wondering if there's a little boy up there for us. I'm pretty sure there is...but I guess only time will tell. Congrats on having 2 boys! I will tell you, I LOVE having 2 kids the same gender so close together. The hand-me-downs are awesome and they are really the best of friends. I hope you enjoy it, too!

jamieBEE said...


Carol said...

How exciting. I too am left wondering if there are asny girls in my future and had secretly hoped nmber 2 would be a girl. But 2 boys has been hilarious and so fun from day 1.

Plus you have to love being able to recycle everything you used with the firstborn.

Camilla said...

Congratulations Lindsey! Fun news. Two boys together will be wonderful!

Carrie said...

Congratulations! Two little hunters, huh? I got this image in my head of Jack dressed up all Elmer Fudd style hunting a Wabbit.

Amanda Nemelka said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so jealous. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE another boy. I feel it's a girl though so maybe there is hope!. Not that I wouldn't love a girl too, I just think two little boys is darling. I'm glad to hear things are going well. I feel like we NEVER see you.

Jenna said...

Congrats!! That is exciting. At least now you don't have to go and buy a bunch of new stuff!! Do we know exactly when we are due?

Em said...

congrats you guys how fun. they will be little buddies. Next you can have two girls in a row!

Heidi said...

Hey, just think, in another 12 months you can have your little girl. If you stay on schedule, anyway.

SP said...

Congrats!!!! I'm sure you have a little girl waiting...

terynmendenhall said...


michelle and brady said...

Im so excited for you I LOVE having two boy in a row they are so close and have so much fun together! Congrats

Jon and Maeva said...

I am so happy for you. Boys are so fun. Plus they will be so close to one another, they will be great friends.

M said...

Congrats to both of you! Hunting expedions for the guys...alone time for you...this could have some hidden perks ;)