The Wright boys get to play the Wii every night for an hour before bed and so Carl B and I went head-to-head in an intense challenge of Dance Dance Revolution- which we both failed miserably.
Jordy and Ivy were reunited this past week! Jordan was so excited to see Heidi and her kids. He and Ivy are special little buddies. They will call each other every so often and talk for at least 10 minutes about who knows what. Ivy usually inquires after Baby Jack and then Jordan will ask about swim lessons and then Ivy will ask about Jordan's job and they go on and on forever. It is really actually cute, and you would never guess that there was an age gap of 19 years.
Jack Jordan really thought the farm was fun too. Although his favorite part was crawling around in the grass. He did go on a pony ride but I think he still preferred the freedom of crawling to even that.
Courtney and Spencer were locked up in the farm county jail for misbehavior on several counts.
Jack and his cousin Jake at the Poulton family Reunion. We went to my Dad's family reunion up in Vivien Park on Saturday. It was fun to see all of our extended family and it didn't seem like we had enough time to visit with everyone. Jordan did enter the golf tournament this year with my Dad and they took third place! Yaa hoo for Jordy! (It was a scramble and they always took the best ball--- so they used Jordy's a few times)
Jordan brought his fishing gear to Vivien so that the little kids could fish and Spencer caught a fish! It was the only catch of the day, but the kids seemed to enjoy fishing despite the lack of bites.
It's a crazy world when I see more pictures of Heidi's kids in your one post than I have seen from her in a year.
Thanks for that. Make sure to tell her she must try harder!
Seems like a great time!! I'll have to tell Michael about Jordan's golf success..he'l be impressed for sure. I'm loving your hair!! And Jack is just the cutest little boy!!!
it looks like you and your fam had a blast! and I LOVE your blonde hair & bangs!
He's super cute lindz...I love it when they have only two teeth on the bottom with such a happy grin!
Why am I not there? I am feeling a little left out right now. I guess I will go start planning the next girls weekend.
I love the picture of you doing DDR! If it makes you feel better, I always fail at it too. Good luck with moving and thanks again for letting us stay with you!
I got an error with blogger. This is my 2nd time doing this:
Your hair is really Yellow, I had to look at the photo twice to make sure it was you. I wish we ran into one another at Wal~Mart so it would have been awkward for a second as I'm trying to figure out who you were.
When you become Sister Ohlson, will we still be on disagree on everything terms at church? I just want you to know I claim Joseph and Jesus first.
When is the move date so I can be a good ELDER and carry a box or two.
You have a WAY cute blog! I found you via the Halls... I don't even have your email address or else I'd do that. You've left Wymount without a trace! *lol* How's your new place?? Email me when you have a chance:
Uh, Lindsey? The Family Reunion was like more than a month ago. Maybe it's time to update?
Just saying.
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