Anyways, so I don't think that I have ever mentioned that my husband is a member of a very private club called "The Financial Fascists". It consists of he and my sister Heidi's husband and was formed in response to social pressures.
What are the Financial Fascists? Click here to find out (my amazingly talented sister has already blogged about this so I will just borrow her explanation):
Anyways, it reared its head today and I think pictures can only do justice to how this club membership is helping our family.
A few weeks ago, I told Jordan that I thought it would be fun to get an inflatable small kiddie pool for Jack. Well, he nixed that idea because who needs one of those fun toys when you can use this:

Jordy--Your child will grow up wearing taped glasses and the same jeans seven days in a row, and the other children will mock him.
Lindsey/Linzi--Keep up the good work. One of these days we will disband the club and spend money like it's candy. Or spend money ON candy. Either one would make me happy.
Can I join? And keep my HUSBAND from spending money?? SERIOUSLY.
BTW...Chance and I are home now during the day if you want to get together. We go to 7 Peaks once or twice a week and do storytime at the library on Wednesday. Let me know...
This post made me laugh!! Love the originality of Jordan's idea. Sounds like something Michael would do...considering the massive tank in my living room is said to be Abigail's future swimming pool.
Jack is so cute!!!
Until now I kind of had convinced myself that Jordan was just humouring Rhett and his thrifty ways.
I stand fully corrected!
I wanna hear more about the book, "Tingling Touches Forever." Post an excerpt. Thats how Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings started, Excerpts in news papers.
I think Kurtis would like to join this club--is it open for his membership?
Looks like Jordan and Jack had fun swimming!
I hope Lyndon doesn't find out about this...I'm a spender and like to keep it that way...within reason of course.
p.s. nice to know I am considered so highly by the renters after us. My OCD-ness in regards to cleaning has its plusses-no?
Jordan, Come on man!!! What's the reason for earning money if you don't spend it. That is one club that you didn't invite me into and I think you would know my answer if you did. Just kidding, Kind of. Let the wife spend a little money, especially if it's for your child.But he is looking cuter every day. Give me a call some time. we will be back in Provo on Wednesday. Don't worry Lindsey I will try and bring Jordan around to the good side. Later, Christopher Wood $$$$
Financial Fascist nothing CHEAP is what I call it!!! It's an Ohlson gene, so we can't hate them. Uncle Grant secretly warned me shortly after I married Brock. When Earl gets accused of it he just smiles in his sneaky quirky way. Tell Jordan he can come help Brock paint 3,000 sq ft of walls next Monday all in the name of being a Financial Fascist (cheap) ;)
That raft has been in the family for years. It's practically an heirloom. Jack is so lucky. Too bad Leah didn't get to it first. I suppose Jack could make reconciliation if he were to invite her over for a pool play-date sometime =).
Love you guys!
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