Saturday, January 12, 2008

So It Begins

My dear Friend from work, Jeff Nemelka, created this blog for me. He feels that since I have entered the world of motherhood, one of the obvious essentials is blogging. So here it begins. Please don't expect anything fancy, I am still trying to figure out how to even change my name. So in true fashion, I feel that I must post a picture of our adorable new addition. Jack Jordan Ohlson (not refered to as J.J.- it's just Jack) was born on October 7, 2007 weighing in at 9lbs. 7 oz. I will spare you the labor details and just say that we were very relieved when he finally plopped out!

Jack a few hours after his birth

1 comment:

jamieBEE said...

9lbs 7oz!!! WOW! You gave birth to a three month old baby! :]