Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Big Change

I haven't posted yet about anything that is really going on in our family life, so I figure why not announce publicly our big change. Jordan was half way through his Accounting Jr. Core at BYU when he finally admitted that he hated accounting and was hating all of his classes. So we made the big switch to Wildlife and Wildland Conservation. Yes-- they are complete opposites, but I should have known this was coming when my husband was cleverly trying to find ways to make it on his hunting trip a week before our son was born and a week after. Or maybe it should have tipped me off-- all of the family outings to go deer spotting or look for the Big Horn Sheep up Provo Canyon. Anyways- I am really excited for Jordan because this is something that he will enjoy doing for the rest of his life. So I turn in my Nordstrom Visa for a Cabelas Visa. I guess instead of the beach house, we can get a sweet tent! Maybe if I am ambitious enough I will retire my Sevens and pull on some Wranglers (but I doubt that). And the best bonus is that my husband has informed me that camo clothing is always on our budget! All of these bonuses just add to our excitement and we are excited to see where we end up! I am proud of Jordan for doing what he loves.

In other news, Jordan is still the Sunbeam teacher and the self-proclaimed skateboarding coordinator for the 3-5 year old children (but that calling is seasonal and only occupies his time in the Spring and Summer). Jordan is team teaching with another man in the ward and they have 3 little girls and one boy. Last week one of the girls told Jordan giggling, "You sound like a girl". Jordan kindly ignored the remark but has a good puberty lesson prepared for next week. I am the Relief Society Secretary and Jack's partner on Sunday. Jack continues to grow like a weed. He and I are in a sleeping power struggle and I think I am losing the battle. Last night we had three rounds, and he won all three as I was up at 11 then 12 and then the final dragout at 1:30am. Jack is exploring his sense of taste because everything that comes into his hands will inevitably end up in the mouth as well. I love Baby Einstein DVD's because it is a half hour of pure entertainment for Jack and relaxation for myself.


Jenny said...
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Jenny said...

I am excited that Jordan made the switch, it must have been a difficult one for your family. He will never regret it though.

Jordan and Kurtis have the same philosophy on buying camo clothing - it is always in the budget!!

jamieBEE said...

at least your "beach house" will be portable! hahaha!! and dont forget that baby einstein has a "play repeat" so your 30 minutes can turn into 60 minutes if you are lucky!

Celia said...

Hey Linds! I think this is only my second time visiting your blog and I just HAD to respond to this post. Wildlife and Wildland Conservation?!? Oh my husband Scott will be so proud to find out there's another conservationist in the "Smith" clan! He majored in Environmental Studies, aka "Tree Hugging" so I hear you on the swapping Sevens for Wranglers (except up here it's mostly swapping Sevens for the Carharts and Dansko clogs combo). Anyway, good luck on the education switcheroo. He'll be so much happier doing what he loves!

p.s. Your baby is darling!