When Jack was only a few weeks old, we noticed that his irises had a peculiar droopy shape to them.
Jordan and I just thought maybe they would develop and form in to regular circular pupils. When we were visiting
Vegas, my Dad put me in mind that I should actually have them looked at because apparently babies are born with circular pupils normally. Who knew? We took Jack to the
pediatrician and she scared us with all sorts of related syndromes that are associated with Jack's condition, which is bilateral colobomas. Well, after seeing two opthamologists, we are happy to report that Jack does not have any associated
syndromes and actually the doctors said that he has no vision
problems either. The only problem he will have is sensitivity to the sun because his pupils can't get small enough to block out the

This is a picture of what a
coloboma looks like and Jack has it in both eyes. The only problem we have noticed so far is his
red eye in pictures.

The doctors were surprised that
Jack had colobomas in both eyes and they think it is probably genetic. We are just grateful that everything is all right and are happy to continue editing his pictures for the red eye.
Genetic? Who has it in either family? I love it when they say stuff like that. They should just say, "Yeah, it's a freak of nature." (Because that's what genetics ARE!)
He's cute no matter what! He looks so grown up in that picture. Hope things are going well. Are we hanging out tomorrow? Jeff mentioned it.
Good to hear that everything is okay. Jack is such a cutie I just want to kiss his little cheeks!
Hi, my name is Paolo. I'm a 25 year old Italian guy and I have a coloboma similar to this child's one (even worse). I can assure there is no problem at all. At least until 25 :-)
I just prefer using sun glasses more than usual...
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