Sunday, February 24, 2008

Not so Fat To Me!

Jack is growing so fast! We can hardly believe that he is already over 4 months old. At his check up, he weighed in at a hefty 17 lbs 14 oz. but we aren't breaking any height records. He has only grown 4 inches since he was born. Here are some of his latest pictures:

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Jack is nearing the end of his sickness for which we are grateful. The whole sick thing has been several things:

It was Good because he has been very snuggly lately. He snuggled up today and let me sing/read to him for over 20 mins. If you have ever heard my singing, you know that 20 mins. is a very long time for anyone to listen to my angelic voice.

It was Bad because my great sleeper (who has been sleeping through the night pretty much since Christmas) has now reverted back to waking up every three hours for a little mom comfort and nighttime snack.

It was just plain Ugly- his poor little cough and snotty nose.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Jack is sick. He got his first cold and it has been busy around the Ohlson house, or lack thereof. It seems like all Jack wants to do is be held (I am sure that sounds familiar). Anyways... we just returned from Vegas, where we visited with my parents and Grandma Davis. I will post some pictures later.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cat Eyes

When Jack was only a few weeks old, we noticed that his irises had a peculiar droopy shape to them. Jordan and I just thought maybe they would develop and form in to regular circular pupils. When we were visiting Vegas, my Dad put me in mind that I should actually have them looked at because apparently babies are born with circular pupils normally. Who knew? We took Jack to the pediatrician and she scared us with all sorts of related syndromes that are associated with Jack's condition, which is bilateral colobomas. Well, after seeing two opthamologists, we are happy to report that Jack does not have any associated syndromes and actually the doctors said that he has no vision problems either. The only problem he will have is sensitivity to the sun because his pupils can't get small enough to block out the sunlight. This is a picture of what a coloboma looks like and Jack has it in both eyes. The only problem we have noticed so far is his red eye in pictures.
The doctors were surprised that Jack had colobomas in both eyes and they think it is probably genetic. We are just grateful that everything is all right and are happy to continue editing his pictures for the red eye.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Weekend Excursion to Farmington

Of course we had to take pictures of the little kiddies. This time they have matching outfits, thanks to Aunt Eryn, who was kind enough to pick those up! Unfortunately, they weren't as happy as the last photo shoot, but Jack seemed to do pretty well for some solo pictures. Apparently he doesn't like sharing the attention! We were able to have Grandpa Earl and Grandma Alesa with us this week and it always makes for a wonderful time. They always spoil us rotten. I love it because Alesa watches my baby for me so I can go run errands, shop, or just sleep in. Jack loves it because he doesn't have to cry himself to sleep because Grandma Alesa is always willing to rock him to sleep. Jordan loves it because he always gets a good steak meal when they are around. It was really fun to have them here and we only wish that they could come more often.

I talked with my parents over the phone and told them that Jordan had plans to snow skate on Saturday. Instead of trying to explain to them what that is, I will just post a video. It is easier!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Praying Feet

Jack's Praying Feet For Grandma Ohlson

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Our Little Rebel/Cougar Fan

Jack has become our little TV addict. We rarely turn the TV on (b/c our remote doesn't have batteries--which by the way is a wonderful way to limit your TV time) but when we do, Jack's attention is immediately drawn to it. Usually he looses interest within a minute or two but there are two sure things that he will watch for atleast 30 mins. One is our favorite Baby Einstein DVD and the other is basketball. One night when my mother was here, we turned on the BYU v. UNLV basketball game because Jordan is a Rebel fan when they play the Cougs, but then a BYU Cougar all of the other times (he has severe identity issues obviously). I was playing with Jack on my lap and the moment they started playing the game he turned his head and was glued to the game. After trying to unsuccessfully get his attention arrested from the game, I finally gave in and let him watch the game in his bouncer. He loved it! He was talking and kicking his feet. When the commercials would come on, he would loose interest and start looking around, but once the game resumed he was fully attentive. He has since watched a few NBA games and show as much enthusiasm...we may be in trouble!