I couldn't resist posting these pictures because these little boys are too cute. This weekend we went up to my sister Heather's home in North Salt Lake and spent some time with her three boys. I know that she wants a little girl, but when your boys are as cute as hers one more wouldn't hurt! (I am just kidding because I desperately want a girl as well). While we were there Jordan managed to take these photos with the boys. Jordan woke up early and was studying in the living room when
Quinn and
Ben came tromping in at 7:15am, and immediately they turned on the TV. But they didn't watch the normal Saturday cartoons that most children their ages watch, they turned on their favorite show-
Tivoed PGA tour golf. They love watching PRO Golf. After we had breakfast and played a half-finished game of
Life the boys headed downstairs to get in their workout clothes because they love to exercise. Heather and Trent have an in-home gym and the boys take turns on the elliptical machine and the treadmill.
I love Quinn's face as he sweats off some calories! If this isn't motivation to get myself in shape, I don't know what is!
Ben (4) Expert resident golfer, lover of basketball, highest scoring player on his soccer team, and the best golfer on the wii.

Quinn (6) Pro status on Wii bowling, the only 6 year old that I know that can keep a running score of your bowling game in his head, his wii me character has pigtails, in-training for a 5k run.

Drew (2) loves to golf, has the vocabulary of a 5+ year old, he is just tiny but has the sass of a teenager.
How cute!!! They are going to grow up to be professional golfers for sure!!
I love your comments about the boys. They are darling.
Wow Heather's boys are adorable. I fear I am headed in the same direction I expect we'll have another boy join the fold before long. Just minus he exercise and golf addiction.
Looks like you had fun with your family. They are cute boys.
ok i have to apologize for calling your baby Jackson. I totally feel like an idiot because i knew his name was Jack.
Cute pictures of Heather's kids. I didn't really think Jordan wore those "donkey ears" in real life. VERY NICE! Please post a picture of Jack in them.
we just moved into Casons parents guest house while cason finishes school and studies for the LSAT
Lindz, please give carl b. my love and when you come down we're making fudge! Plus I would like to see Jack in the real.
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