Yesterday Jack donated his brain to science. BYU is currently studying 5 month old infants and their ability to recognize patterns. They called me up and asked me if I wouldn't mind allowing Jack to participate in the study. So they put that crazy cap on his head and we watched a short video clip of caterpillars. They are supposed to send me the results within the week and I am sure it will say Genius! Surprisingly Jack didn't mind the hair piece and actually was smiling and quite interactive.
This is so dang hilarious. I wish you guys lived closer because it looks like you guys have a lot of fun!
Ha, ha! That's great! At least they didn't have him crawl through a maze!
That is too funny, but Jack still looks adorable. Sammy would have thrown a fit if they put that thing on her head.
Were they like, "Uh. Your kid's too fat to be in our study?" Because it might skew the results.
They look like marshmellows. I think Parker would have spent the whole time trying to eat them.
Oh man. That is an awesome picture. I hope you got some close-ups too. I KNOW my kids would have come apart at the seams if I tried to put that on them. Actually, Ruby can't go a day without wearing some type of hat so maybe something like that could be her "Crazy Hat Monday" hat.
His face says it all, "What? I rock this hat on a daily basis." Classic pic. He's super cute lindz. The number I have for you is old but my blog is my
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