We had family up in Salt Lake for Memorial Day Weekend. Every time I get together with my family, it makes me more nervous for the big move to Minnesota. Jack has finally gotten to the age where he really enjoys his cousins.

Visiting Grandpa Leland's grave with my grandmother, mom, and my sisters (minus one).

Jack and Parker were fast friends and they really played well together. Contrary to the look of what might appear to be pain on Jack's face, this is actually his "cheese" face.

Jude was in heaven because every day would find us at a park somewhere. He is really starting to climb and show signs of walking.

If there is one thing I love (aside from candy corn) it is M&M's. Lucky for Jack, I have passed this love on to him. He knows that I am a sucker for M&M's so he gets them probably more than he should.

Here are all the cousins, plus one random neighborhood boy (sitting to the right of Jude). We spent a lot of time at the park and the kids had so much fun.

Jack and Jude love to play hide and seek in our bathroom cupboards, which are slowly being boxed up and emptied as we try to pack up for the move.

Jack has become quite the little puzzler. He loves to complete puzzles and was really excited because he has moved into do large 25 piece puzzles.

Jude's true love: swinging!
Minnesota--what an adventure! The great thing is that kids that young are so resilient and make friends wherever they go!
Why wasn't I there for the Memorial Day photo op? Photo shop me in, sis. C'mon, be a pal.
Love those cousin shots . . .
Already miss being with you girls. I can't wait for the reunion. We will have to treasure the time since it might be the last for awhile. I love that you get to go live with mom & dad for a couple months. You are so lucky.
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